Automatic Emergency Alert System
When an elderly person lives away from you, you would want to know immediately if something were to happen to them. Some of the products listed below have saved more lives than any other medical alert service. Many of them are recommended by healthcare professionals.
They are waterproof and comfortable and can be worn in the bath or shower and under clothes.
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For Safety
and Security
Personal Emergency Response Devices are emergency alert systems for individuals who need to be able to send an urgent text or message to people who can come to their aid. Whether you’re a woman who loves to jog in the park, but worries about her personal safety or a senior citizen living alone who fears having a bad fall, these devices are recommended to have.
Emergency response devices are very small gadgets that can be worn on your wrist, around the neck like a necklace with a pendant or a belt clip. Once you’ve set up the emergency alert system, a person will be able to send an alert. A GPS will also provide locations to the emergency contacts. That means if someone has fallen and is hurt, locating them won’t be an added problem.