Fitness Tracker Heart Rate Monitor

Fitness Tracker Heart Rate Monitor

Fitness Tracker With Heart Monitor

Current trackers today offer more advanced features such as the fitness tracker heart rate monitor. Heart rate monitoring used to be achievable only with a chest strap (like the one from Polar). Today though, heart rate monitoring is possible through wrist-worn devices using infrared sensors which effectively film the pulsation of the veins. Some fitness trackers provide constant heart rate tracking, while others need to have that feature switched on during workouts.

When its accurate, a fitness tracker heart rate monitor will provide a truly comprehensive picture of your health. When you view the stats through the app or on your computer, you can see how your heart rate changed throughout the day and how things like caffeine and sleep might have affected it. You can also see the number of steps you took, when you were most active, and how many flights of stairs you ascended. You’ll also see your calories burned of course.

Is the heart rate monitoring accurate? Overall the answer is yes. A Polar chest strap will still be more accurate but for most people it’s not going to be far off. Your mileage may vary though and it appears that some factors like skin pigmentation may affect just how good a reading you get.

Here are some of the most popular fitness tracker heart monitor available today.

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